IMA organises a series of events promoting the application and the research of microsimulation
01 - 03 December 2021 (Online)
The International Microsimulation Association is pleased to announce its 8th World Congress, which will be held on December 1-3, 2021. In light of the health safety recommendations and uncertainty pertaining to international travel, the conference will be online. The objective of the congress is to bring together leading researchers in the field of microsimulation and agent-based modelling to discuss their most recent research.
05 - 09 July 2021 (Online)
Online Summer School - First steps in the Elaboration of a Dynamic Microsimulation Model: from Research Questions to Outcomes
02 - 03 December 2020 (Online)
The International Microsimulation Association (IMA), in collaboration with the Centre for Microsimulation and Policy Analysis (CeMPA); the Institute for Employment Research (IAB); the Luxembourg Institute for Social and Economic Research (LISER); the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM); and the Urban Institute are pleased to announce an online conference on 2 December, 2020 on microsimulation modelling of policy responses to COVID-19.
29 June 2020 at IAB, Nuremberg, Germany
Due to the recent developments in relation to the COVID 19 outbreak, we have decided to cancel the IMA European Meeting 2020.